Meet Linkby, a market-first SaaS company that connects advertisers’, big and small, with the world’s biggest publishers on a cost-per-click basis to secure premium editorial coverage when you need it.
Combining leading brands like, and We love technology. We love journalism. Convinced that the two belong together, we are now developing the media of the day after tomorrow
Klay Media
Klay Media’s audience encompasses over 300K unique visits/month seeking business advice, where the average reader’s income is over $120K and engage with more than 15% of C-suite executives.
Checkmate is a Gen Z shopping app and community with over 1M users.
Deal Savings LLC
DealAM is an established performance marketing platform and one of the first online shopping guides in North America.
Are Media
Australia’s leading omnichannel content company for women.Every month we create content Australians are passionate about across food, fashion, beauty, homes, entertainment, lifestyle and more.
Future Publishing APAC
Future is the global leader in specialist media. Our flagship website is Techradar, but own other big names such as Mozo, Tom’s Guide, Getprice, PCGamer, Marie Claire and 200+ more.
Giftomatic promotes products amongst users (5M/y) who are looking for a gift. Via a White label marketplace, your products can be pushed on a large number of platforms and reach millions of shoppers.
Future Publishing
We reach one in three people in the UK and US through leading specialist media brands and events. We connect consumers worldwide with their passions and provide them with trusted, expert content.
The Daily Beast
Independent. Irreverent. Intelligent. The Daily Beast delivers award-winning original reporting, fact-informed analysis, and sharp opinion in the arena of politics, pop-culture, and power.