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New to Partnerize: Dynamic, Personalized Newsletters that Keep Your Partners In-the-Know

Apr 19, 2024

Product Marketing Manager

For advertisers, sharing the latest messaging, products and promotions with partners is critical to supporting mutually beneficial partnerships. With enhancements to Partnerize’s email and newsletter functionality, it’s easier than ever for advertisers to design and deploy personalized, branded messages to partners or groups of partners. 


Utilizing the email editor, advertisers can:

  • Easily design branded emails and newsletters with drag-and-drop blocks for text, images, video or license-free stock imagery–no HTML skills required. Or, expedite creation of newsletters with an easily-modified selection of templates that provide a head start when it comes to deploying personalized messaging.
  • Save time by relying on AI. Upgrade draft newsletter messaging with integrated AI functionality that makes it easy to develop and embed images, rephrase or summarize copy, check spelling and grammar, or adjust tone
  • Target your key audience with personalized content. Tailor emails to the recipient with dynamic email content, including messages, images and CTAs for specific partners or groups of partners. With email editor enhancements, getting your message to the right audience in the format of your choosing is just a few clicks away.


Partnerize’s email editor enhancements streamline the process of developing and deploying personalized content to partners–details that keep partners in-the-know of key elements for brand promotion. The easy-to-use functionality saves time for brands as they nurture their partnerships. Don’t just take our word for it, listen to what our clients say!


“I really like the flexibility and ease of use of the email tool on the Partnerize platform. The email functionality gives us the ability to send out more engaging content to our partners in a simple, easy and effective way. I anticipate this functionality will drive greater engagement from partners and, as a result, it will help us nurture our relationships!” -Emma Alker, GoCity


Explore the benefits of the enhanced email editor by visiting the Partner Communications tool. Not a Partnerize client yet? Learn more about how Partnerize can help you maximize the benefits of the partnership channel. Get in touch at

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