This week, we launched two important product updates.
Enhanced Notifications
As part of our ongoing commitment to help our advertisers and partners stay informed and scale partnership activity, our notifications suite has been redesigned to deliver greater flexibility and control:
• We’ve increased the number of potential notifications on both the Advertiser and Partner side to include key campaign and program events.
• Notifications can be sent via Slack and Email and can be seen in the Partnerize UI.
• Summary emails of high-level metrics can be sent on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.
Automated Anomaly Detection
Our new anomaly detection capability is also integrated into these enhanced notifications. This feature uses various prediction models to identify both positive and negative trends, such as an over or under performing campaign, which can indicate potentially fraudulent click and conversion activity. Data is calculated on a daily basis, and we currently send notifications for any of the following 3 metrics:
• Conversion Volume Anomalies
• Conversion Value Anomalies
• Commission Value Anomalies
This represents the first phase of our fraud detection capabilities that are being enhanced by more advanced machine learning over the coming months – stay tuned for more details!