Through Mecenat Student, Mecenat Alumni, Seniordays and Finnish Frank Students. We offer discounts to make everyday life easier and make the money last longer. It gives our partners the opportunity to reach through the noise, increase sales and engage new customers among our members.
We have a close dialogue with our users, groups who are usually difficult to reach, and we are a very trusted sender. The trust is based on the fact that we always listen to the recipient’s needs and that resulted in our members themselves choosing to receive information about our offers.
We only work with students/members who are verified, in collaboration with almost 500 organizations providing up-to-date information. The member details are updated four times a year and our technical solution ensures that only students/members can use our partners’ offers.
Do you think Mecenat Group would make a great partner on your campaign? If so, you can reach out to them directly, or find them on our platforms using the info below:
Partner Types
Partner Verticals
Partner Regions
Klickouts to our partners
Over 17 million klickouts to our partners the last 12 months
2,6 million members
Active Users
Sessions 2023
55 million session combined in our diffrent channels
© 2025 Performance Horizon Group Limited. 無断転載禁止。
Partnerize は、Performance Horizon Group Limited の商号で、英国およびウェールズで登録された 07188234 です。
6th Floor, West One, Forth Banks, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 3PA. 英国。