
Checkmate is a Gen Z shopping app and community with over 1M users.

Checkmate combines insights from access to desktop, mobile, and email, to build detailed user profiles.

  • Users get a unified and personalized shopping platform.  
  • Merchants get expansive user data and granular targeting across new surfaces.

Push notifications, package tracking and post purchase, coupled with full funnel and cross device visibility means ways to find new users, engage existing ones, and glean competitive insights.

See and reach shoppers everywhere with Checkmate.

* For any brands on Shopify+ we have additional user segmentation and targeting capabilities available.

Next steps

Do you think Checkmate would make a great partner on your campaign? If so, you can reach out to them directly, or find them on our platforms using the info below:

Jameson Crews
Business Development Rep
John Szendiuch
Head of Partnerships

Partner Types

  • Content

Partner Verticals

  • Finance
  • Retail
  • Services
  • Travel

Partner Regions


Engaged shoppers each month

Over 1,000,000

Our newly onboarded partners see a

34% increase in first-time customers

Social Channels

Over 1,250,000 followers across our owned and operated Tiktok and Instagram accounts.

Gen-Z Users
