If you want to increase:
- the likeabilty of you brand / product
- Awareness of your brand / product
- sales through influencers
Then LinkPizza is the place to be! We represent over 8500 creators on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Pinterest, websites and UGC creators. It's easy to collaborate because we have all the information available (followers, engagement, categories, prices) and you can let us manage your campaign!
We have an exclusive affiliate offer:
We promote your program + guarantee min. 10 social posts for €250,- plus €50,- shopping money x 10. Interested? Please feel free to reach out or start immediately by filling out the form.
Do you think LinkPizza: Influencers, UGC and linkbuilding would make a great partner on your campaign? If so, you can reach out to them directly, or find them on our platforms using the info below:
Partner Types
Partner Verticals
Partner Regions
Amount of approved creators / influencers
Completed campaigns
Approved affiliate publishers
Represented affiliate programs
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Partnerize は、Performance Horizon Group Limited の商号で、英国およびウェールズで登録された 07188234 です。
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